Sunday, May 10, 2020

Essay on Belonging - 1074 Words

Through analysis and exploration of my chosen text, â€Å"A Selection of Songs by The Smiths†, as well comparisons linked to Emily Dickinson’s set poems, a vast array of representations of belonging have been discerned. Through an abundance of ideas, and devices used to convey thesis’s, the texts provide variable discourses as to how we can view belonging, exploring the state of belonging, mainly through its paradoxes. Thus the study of The Smith’s songs individually as well as comparatively to Emily Dickinson has contributed significantly to my understanding of belonging. The concept of alienation is continually reverted to in the Smiths songs, emphasising the importance of this paradox to belonging, in the understanding of belonging itself.†¦show more content†¦This is similar to the barriers against belonging experienced in the Dickinson texts in relevance to themes of dislocation to society due to the persona’s self-sanctioning and alienation. The lyrics â€Å"I am Human and I need to be loved† emphasise the necessity of human’s to belong and it’s repetition ads to the effect of the persona’s desperation to achieve this. Morrisey employs contrasting sentences within the lyrical content such as â€Å"I am the son and heir†, resonating power and control. This is compared with weaker statements such as â€Å"of nothing in particular†. Its effects establish confusion and lack of self-awareness in the persona. The persona is continually questioned throughout the text in there Self-descriptions, s uch as â€Å"criminally vulgar shyness†. Personal attributes such as this prevent companionship, and result in depression and consideration of death. This suggests that it is the persona’s self-hatred, and imbalance within that incites his alienation, preventing belonging. The continuous banshee sounds between verses extends the tormented mind of the persona. Asleep continues to represent the role of sense of psychic wholeness in being the pathway to belonging. It does so in complete lack of psychic wholeness and how this fails the persona. Morrisey employs lyrical content that is sparse yet profound, using sleep as a metaphor for suicide, and romanticisingShow MoreRelatedBelonging1049 Words   |  5 PagesBelonging can be a possible path to an individual’s self-actualisation. A sense of identity can be identified by belonging or not belonging to a particular group or place. A person can portray different values of belonging through different situations and settings, like in Shakespeare’s period and the period in ‘Fight Club’. Maslow’s Hierarchy of belonging suggests that belonging is one of the basic needs of human existence. All humans aspire to belong but only a few are able to transcend this basicRead MoreBelonging882 Words   |  4 Pagesindividuals through a vast range of different processes and levels. 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